What Are Common Problems with Walk-in Cool Rooms

What Are Common Problems with Walk-in Cool Rooms
9 October 2023
What Are Common Problems with Walk-in Cool Rooms
If you own a grocery store or manage a commercial kitchen, you already know just how important your walk-in coolroom is. This is easily one of the most heavily used pieces of refrigeration equipment in your workplace. The wear and tear on your walk-in cooler can be immense. Ensure you schedule your walk-in cool room service regularly.

One common problem that you may notice developing with your walk-in coolroom is that the door will not shut all the way. There are a few reasons why this may happen. The door itself may be a bit off alignment, causing it to misalign when it is closing. The door closure assist, which pulls the door tight when it closes, may also be damaged in some way. This is a very serious problem, as it can lead to huge amounts of wasted energy over time. Plus, it can lead to humidity problems within the unit, and even spoiled product. If your walk-in cooler door will not shut properly each and every time you close the door, get it fixed right away. Torn gaskets and broken hinge problems need to be fixed right away.

You may also find a problem with a mechanical component of your walk-in cooler, even if you do not fully understand this to be the case, just look for changes and warning signs such as iced over coils on your evaporator. This problem may develop if your walk-in cooler’s coils are dirty. It may also be the result of a refrigerant leak. In any case, only a trained professional can handle the repair of your walk-in cooler.So get one.